Neuer „stable“ Release des PS App Deployment Toolkit. Laut dem Entwickler / den Entwicklern das Release mit den meisten Neuerungen Änderungen und Korrekturen sein beginn des Projektes. Details zu den viele Korrekturen und Verbesserungen wie gehabt im Change Log.
Quelle: PS Add Deployment Toolkit Changelog
Added CMTrace compatible log files to Write-Log (now the default). Legacy log format still available through configuration in XML config file Added ability to modify HKCU registry settings for all users on a machine by loading registry hives. Added functions to support this: Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers, Get-UserProfiles, ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID. Modified functions to support this: Convert-RegistryPath, Get-RegistryKey, Set-RegistryKey, Remove-RegistryKey Added ability in Register-DLL / Unregister-DLL to detect bitness of DLL files and register for the correct architecture automatically Added ability for Test-PowerPoint to actually detect if user is presenting slideshow in fullscreen mode Added Get-LoggedOnUser to get session details for all local and RDP logged on users Added Refresh-SessionEnvironmentVariables to allow reloading of newly created environment variables for the current process Added new variables for Domain Membership, Process Information, Account Permissions, OS Type and Versions, PowerShell and .NET versions, TimeZone Bias Added TRANSFORMSSECURE=1 as default where Transform parameter is specified Added ability to detect active console user (user with control of the monitor, keyboard, mouse) Added ForceCloseAppsCountdown parameter to Show-InstallationWelcome allowing a countdown to close apps regardless of whether deferral is allowed Added Patch parameter to Execute-MSI to allow an MSP file to be specified on the command line with an MSI installation Added ability to Get-InstalledApplication to detect whether a 64-bit or 32-bit application Added CreateNoWindow parameter to Execute-Process Changed Deploy-Application.exe to new executable built in VB.NET Changed detection of Admin rights by looking for Admin SID on the current processes access token, previous method check for membership in the BuiltInAdministrator group Changed Restart Prompt default selected button to Restart Later Changed $envOSArchitecture variable so that it reported consistent value regardless of OS language Improved detection of change.exe failures for TerminalServerInstallMode Improved detection of logged in users, including users connected through RDP Improved error trapping and logging of messages throughout script. Modified messages for clarity and consistency. Improved parameter validation on all functions to simplify function logic and give standard error messages when function parameters not specified properly, also helps make clear which parameters are mandatory and which are not Improved Set-PinnedApplication to detect when one of the chosen actions is not available on an operating system (such as pinning items to Start Menu on Windows 8) Improved session 0 detection Improved Execute-MSI and Execute-Process to sync parameter names for -Path and -Parameters and add alias for backwards compatibility Improved method of detecting OS architecture so that detection works on some non-English operatings systems Improved Block-AppExecution to not flash CMD window right before displaying application block message Show-InstallationWelcome, Show-InstallationPrompt: Fixed clipping of text when non-default DPI settings used Fixed creation of URL shortcuts in New-Shortcut Fixed detection of when script is running from a task sequence Fixed issue in Get-InstalledApplication where an "Invalid Cast" error was thrown if registry contains a value with invalid data Fixed issue in New-Shortcut where an error would be thrown if no icon was specified Fixed issue in Test-Battery where the incorrect information would be returned if the battery was failing Fixed issue in Send-Keys where there was an improper script exit upon failure Fixed issue with Show-BalloonTip where icon was not disposed before exit Fixed issue where Block-Execution would display an error creating the scheduled task if the Application Name was too long (command was longer than 261 characters) Fixed issue where Block-Execution was not showing a message windows when user tries to open a blocked app Fixed issue where Block-Execution was creating a scheduled task to clean up blocked apps which would not execute Fixed issue where AppDeployToolkitHelp.ps1 threw an error when executed Fixed CloseAppsCountdown and PersistPrompt in Show-InstallationWelcome (bug introduced in v3.2) Fixed issue in Show-InstallationPrompt and Show-InstallationWelcome where timeout object was not disposed and would cause timeout of subsequent UI components Fixed issue with enumerating hashtable boolean parameters into string format Fixed centering of Show-InstallationProgress window where DPI scale is not 100% Fixed centering of toolkit banner in UI elements where the full length banner is not used Fixed issue where MinimizeAll() and UndoMinimizeAll() method cals were inserting a $null into the pipeline Fixed issue in Execute-Process to asynchronously capture process Standard Output Updated Deploy-Application template to be consistent with the rest of the toolkit. Scripts from previous versions are fully backwards compatible Updated German translations Updated Norweigan translations Updated documentation