Kurz vor Weihnachten noch ein neuer Beta Release des Powershell App Deployment Toolkit. Aktueller „stable“ Release bleibt aber die Version 3.5.0 .
Viele Neuerungen und eine Menge Verbesserungen sowie Fehlerbehebungen sind geplant. Details hierzu wie immer im Changelog. Wann diese Version die aktuelle „stable“ Version 3.5.0 ablöst ist noch nicht bekannt. Interessant wird die neue Möglichkeit aus dem Systemkontext die User Interaktion zu nutzen und damit für Application den „Deployment type“ „Install for System“ & „Whether or not a user is logged on“
Version 3.6.0 [12/18/2014] - Added the ability to run the toolkit as the current logged on local admin user with administrator credentials to provide interaction in the system context. Added function Execute-ProcessAsUser to support this feature. Note: this feature is backwards compatible with deployment scripts created with earlier versions of the toolkit but requires one modification by adding the line after the comment "## Handle Execute-ProcessAsUser Invocation of the Toolkit" from the Deploy-Application.ps1 script included in v4. Note: this feature will only work for users that are local admins. - Added function Set-ActiveSetup to allow creation/deletion of Active Setup entries (thanks to Denis St-Pierre, Todd MacNaught for code) - Added variable to determine if running in terminal server session - Added functions to handle Windows services: Test-ServiceExists, Stop-ServiceAndDependencies, Start-ServiceAndDependencies, Get-ServiceStartMode, Set-ServiceStartMode - Added check to test whether or not the Windows Task Scheduler service is in a healthy state and fix any issues if possible. If it is not in a healthy state, the Toolkit cannot be relaunched with a user account when in the SYSTEM account. - Added ability in Deploy-Application.exe to read if Admin rights required from XML file and then automatically prompt to elevate on Vista or higher - Added -ExcludeDefaultUser parameter to Get-UserProfiles to allow exclusion of the Default User profile - Added IsLocalAdmin property to results from Get-LoggedOnUser function to determine if the user account is in the local Administrators security group - Added -ReturnEmptyKeyIfExists parameter to Get-RegistryKey to allow returning empty registry keys if they exist - Added validation for -Path parameter in Execute-MSI function - Fixed issue in Show-InstallationPrompt and Show-InstallationRestartPrompt with how switch parameters with explicitly defined boolean values were passed to powershell.exe when used with the -File parameter - Fixed issue with error being thrown when reading the DPI scale from the registry if the property doesn't exist - Fixed issue with Show-InstallationWelcome failing if "notes" specified with -CloseApps parameter when Notes application not installed - Fixed issue in Copy-File where operation would fail if destination folder was not created before operation when using wildcards in -Path Parameter - Fixed issue in Unblock-AppExecution on some systems where process failed to unblock if only one process was initially blocked - Fixed issue with Deploy-Application.exe not executing on systems where only .NET 4 or higher installed by adding Deploy-Application.exe.config file - Fixed issue with Deploy-Application.exe by using -Command parameter instead of -File to avoid bug in PowerShell 2.0 where incorrect exit code might be returned if -File parameter used - Fixed a number of issues with the Office 2013 example script - Fixed issue in Get-InstalledApplication to properly detect applications when -Exact parameter used - Fixed issue in Get-UniversalDate where function would fail for some valid date formats under some culture settings - Fixed issue in Write-Log where it was not possible to change logfile name and directory after the first time these paths were set - Improved path validation in Deploy-Application.exe, rewrote utility in C# - Improved defining default values for script variables not defined - Improved path validation in Execute-Process - Improved error message when toolkit launched without admin permissions - Improved detection of when invoking script is the Help script to avoid false positives - Improved Deploy-Application.ps1 to use Write-Error instead of Write-Output when toolkit fails to dot source - Improved Get-ScheduledTask to retrieve all scheduled task details, remove spaces and colons from property names, allow retrieval of details for a specific task name, and remove lines with column headers from results - Improved compilation of custom C# code by using -IgnoreWarnings switch with Add-Type cmdlet so that toolkit does not fail to run because of a warning - Improved Write-Log to log following for CMTrace log type: thread id, file name of source script - Changed toolkit to remove unused variables which did not exist and were being read from XML file - Changed Register-DLL/Unregister-DLL function to combine them into one function called Invoke-RegisterOrUnregisterDLL. Created Aliases for new function name to maintain backwards compatibility. - Updated documentation - Updated Italian translations